Student Resources

Talk to a ChE advisor

Need to schedule an advising appointment with the ChE Undergraduate Advisor? Please visit the Advising Appointment system. If you have any questions, please contact us at Please include: your academic level and a brief description of topics that you’d like to discuss, and we will connect you to a ChE advisor with the best matching expertise.

Find a tutor

Engineering Learning Resource Center
G264 LEC, 647-7127
Math, Chemistry, Physics, Computing,
Lower level engineering courses

Math Lab
B 860 East Hall, 936-0160
Math 105-216

Omega Chi Epsilon—ChE Honorary
Tutoring for ChE 230, 330, and 341
Omega Chi Epsilon

Science Learning Center
1720 Chem, 763-9399
Chemistry and Biology

Society of Physics Students
Randall Lab, 763-2341

Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society
1228 EECS, 764-6250
100 and 200 level: Math, chemistry, physics, engineering

Calculate ChE GPA

Your major GPA is based only on the 11 core ChE courses. You can download this Excel Spreadsheet that describes how to calculate it.

If you repeated a ChE course:

  • For the purposes of determining rank, all instances of your taking any of the ChE courses are included. That is, if you took ChE 230 twice, BOTH instances are included in the GPA calculations.
  • For the purposes of determining whether you meet the requirements of a 2.0 major GPA, only the final instances of each repeated course are included in the GPA calculations.

Apply for graduation

You can apply for graduation through Wolverine Access. To ensure you have completed all graduation requirements, please complete a Preliminary Final Senior Audit Request form during registration period the term prior to your final semester to ensure you will have completed all graduation requirements. The form is distributed via email.
College of Engineering Graduation Information

Program improvement proposals

Have ideas to make chemical engineering better? Get funding to make them happen. Learn more