Funding for Groups

ChE UG Program Committee financial support of student activities – requests for funding


The Chemical Engineering Undergraduate Program Committee solicits requests from any University of Michigan student for financial support of activities that support the department’s mission of undergraduate education in chemical engineering and enhance the experience of its undergraduates

Proposal format

Student organization requests should consist of a brief document that includes:

  1. Description of the organization, its membership and objectives, as well as SOAS account number to transfer funds to should the petition be approved.
  2. Description of projects/activities for which support is sought.
  3. Description of how the application addresses the two evaluation criteria described in the section below.
  4. Operating budget for the event proposed, including expenses as well as actual and proposed revenue sources.
  5. Annual operating budget for the organization as a whole, including revenue sources and expenditures itemized by category
  6. Requests from non-Chemical Engineering organizations should include the names of Chemical Engineering students who are active members of the organization if the request is for general funding, or the names of Chemical Engineering students participating in an activity if the request is for a specific activity such as a trip.
  7. A brief endorsement of the student organization’s faculty advisor should also accompany any first time requests.

Except for rare exceptions, student organizations should expect to receive support for no more than one request per academic term. Organizations that receive funds must submit a short report describing the outcomes of the activity supported.


Requests are evaluated by the Chemical Engineering Undergraduate Program Committee according to two criteria:

  1. To what extent does the proposed activity support the department’s mission of undergraduate education in chemical engineering?
  2. To what extent does the activity enhance the experience of chemical engineering undergraduates?


Requests should be received by the committee prior to the event for which funding is requested. The committee will act on all requests within one month of receipt. Requests may be submitted at any time; however, organizations should be aware that the committee’s budget allocation is received at the beginning of the academic year (September). Later in the academic year, when funds are exhausted, the committee will not be able to approve additional requests. Therefore, requests made early in the academic year have an improved chance for support.


Please submit your request following the format above to Dr. Fei Wen at

Approved by ChE Undergraduate Program Committee, January 28, 2016