BSE ChE/MEng in Manufacturing SUGS Program
Updated June 2024
Introduction and summary
A sequential undergraduate/graduate study (SUGS) program is offered through the Integrative Systems + Design (ISD) Division, Master of Engineering in Manufacturing (M. Eng. in Mfg.) program. See “Sequential Undergraduate/Graduate Study (SUGS) Programs for Chemical Engineering Students” for details on how SUGS programs work.
You can pursue your ISD SUGS degree online or on-campus! Visit the ISD SUGS site for detailed information regarding SUGS Requirements.
- Early in your junior year, meet with your undergrad advisor and ISD graduate coordinator to confirm your eligibility.
- Visit the ISD SUGS site to download and complete a preliminary SUGS Election form.
- In your senior year, apply to Manufacturing and begin your program the following Winter or Fall semester
Manufacturing Program is at the forefront of technologies that move the world. Our world-class engineering and business faculty lead and conduct interdisciplinary research and teach and build advanced manufacturing technologies and integrative managerial skills for students. We challenge top students to become leaders and competitive engineers in Smart Manufacturing, which is defined as a “fully integrated, collaborative manufacturing system that responds in real time to meet changing demands and conditions in the factory, in the supply network, and in customer needs” defined by National Institute of Standards & Technology.
Summary of M. Eng. in Mfg. Curriculum Distribution
The incoming student must obtain the approval of the course advisor for the planned M. Eng. in Mfg. degree courses selected. A course advisor will be assigned to the student upon admission.
See the Sequential Undergraduate/Graduate study (SUGS) Programs for ChE Students for more information regarding how SUGS works.
Ms. Lisa Clark, 3142 Dow, (734) 763-7125,
2206 SI North Building, 764-3312,
ISD Manufacturing Program