Reporting Concerns and Misconduct


At U-M Chemical Engineering, we strive to achieve an environment that is inclusive, supportive, and respectful of all community members to allow each person to reach their full potential.

If we fall short, we want to know about it so we can take action to improve. We are committed to helping and working with our community members through this process. Depending on the circumstances, this may involve feedback or formal reporting as described below. 

Please help us to make a stronger department where everyone can thrive.


If you have experienced or been witness to inappropriate behavior, discrimination, harassment, or misconduct of any kind, or if you are unsure that you have experienced such behavior, there are resources to help.

Both the Chemical Engineering department and the University have multiple avenues to assist you.

The contact information and links below describe different resources depending on your individual circumstances. There are also contacts listed to confidentially discuss a situation to help guide you in the process.


Please be aware that some contacts in the department and elsewhere at U-M (such as most faculty) are required to officially share your report, while others may be able to keep your conversation confidential.

If you are not sure you’re ready to report, the University has a list of confidential campus resources:

If you have experienced or been witness to inappropriate behavior, discrimination, harassment, or misconduct of any kind and would like to report it, here are the following ways to do so:


  1. The Equity, Civil Rights, and Title IX is the official reporting and investigative body of the university for claims of discrimination, harassment and sexual misconduct.
  2. For claims of theft, violence or assault, please contact the Division of Public Safety & Security (DPSS).

3. For confidential support that may not need to be escalated to OIE or DPSS, please utilize the Student, Faculty and Staff Ombuds.

4. For confidential sexual assault or harassment support, please contact the Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center.

  • 24-hour Crisis Line: (734) 936-3333
  • Office Phone: (734) 764-7771
  • Email:

5. For general feedback or concern related to discrimination, bias, stereotype, behavior, or 

university policy, please contact Campus Climate Support

6.   For student to student conflict resolution please contact the following:


You may contact any of the following individuals by phone or email to set up a meeting to discuss an incident. EMAIL IS NOT FOR DESCRIBING OR DISCUSSING THE INCIDENT IN DETAIL, ONLY USE TO SETUP A TIME TO MEET OR DISCUSS VIA PHONE:

Please note, the Chair, Associate Chairs and Department Administrator, and most faculty are “individuals with reporting obligations (IRO)”, which means they are mandated to report certain incidents to the Division of Public Safety and Security (DPSS) and/or the Equity, Civil Rights, and Title IX (ECRT). If the accusation is of sexual misconduct, it must be reported to ECRT. For a list of confidential resources for consultation, please see the links for students, faculty, and staff under “How to Report.”

For general feedback or suggestions, you may use our anonymous ONLINE FORM. If you would like follow-up, there is an option to include your contact information. 


For anonymous reporting, you may fill out the following online complaint forms:

  1. For reporting a concern or complaint against faculty or staff:
    1. UM Ethics, Integrity & Compliance – Compliance Online Reporting
      1. Phone: (866) 990-0111
  2. For reporting a concern or complaint against a student:
    1. Dean of Students – Student Support Request Form